My name is Julian Wergieluk. This is my blog and homepage.
I am an engineer and mathematician with a broad range of interests. Currently, I work as a machine learning engineer at DataRobot. Opinions expressed on the website are of my own.
As of Nov 2022, this a selection of topics I am interested in.
I work on this blog because it’s fun.
For reasons outlined above, currently, I am not using any tracking software or scripts (like Google Analytics). I am also not using any cookies. This is a static website hosted on Netlify which uses their generous free plan. This plan doesn’t include traffic analytics.
I once watched a lecture in which someone from LinkedIn said that users spend a significant amount of time accessing their own profile pages without performing any modifications. It’s as if they were watching themselves in a mirror. In the past, I found myself doing something similar when browsing Google Analytics statistics.
Also, I don’t have any amount of traffic on this website, that I could brag about.
I am sure, some readers would like to comment the last sentence with “this!”, or similar. They might have a point, but, unfortunately, I don’t support commenting either.
My gnupg key: 0xDBCF703C.asc
List of MOOCs I managed to complete: Courses
Except where otherwise noted, this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 Internationala License.