I am a fan of the Student’s t distribution – it is almost as easy to
handle as the normal distribution but has an additional flexibility with
respect to the heaviness of the tails. In fact, the normal distribution
is a special case and so is the Cauchy distribution.
The density of a (non-degenerate) multivariate normal distribution
with zero mean is given by
where Σ is a
(positive-semidefinite) n×n
covariance matrix.
For comparison, the density of the multivariate student t
distribution with zero mean is
Compare this with the univariate version of the t density:
In both cases, ν>2 is the
degrees of freedom parameter.
A standard way to construct a random variable Z with t-distribution is to use a normal
random variable X and an independent
chi-square random variable Y and
This formula works for both the univariate and the multivariate case
and can be used to draw samples from the t distribution using
independent samples of X and Y. Also, we get
This is because the univariate χ2 distribution with ν degrees of freedom is really a Gamma(2ν,21)
distribution. This can be seen by comparing a χ2 density with the Gamma(α,β) density
The parameters α and β are both positive. Moreover, 1/Y is inverse-gamma distributed and thus
Michael Roth. On the Multivariate t Distribution. pdf
Liu, Chuanhai, and Donald B. Rubin. “ML estimation of the t
distribution using EM and its extensions, ECM and ECME.” Statistica
Sinica (1995): 19-39. pdf
Nadarajah, Saralees, and Samuel Kotz. “Estimation methods for the
multivariate t distribution.” Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 102, no. 1
(2008): 99-118. pdf